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Access great workout locations whenever you want, wherever you want, the way you want!
Team Inggez

Inggez provides people with flexible and cost effective fitness options to manage a healthy lifestyle.

With its app you can now search nearby gyms & health studios, decide on what fitness activity you prefer for the day and simply pay for your workout. No subscription or activation fees are required, it is literally on demand fitness. Download the app, create an account, add credit and get control over your fitness. 

Inggez joined THE NEXT SOCIETY 2nd promotion of start-ups in 2019 following the 2nd call for applications for the Start-up Booster Track in Palestine.

Website: www.inggez.com
Country: Palestine
Sector(s): Fitness Tech    
Team: 2
Contact: Ali TAZAMI, CEO, ali@inggez.com - Tel: +970 592932368

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