funded by the


The best way to find, compare and book inter-city bus tickets online.
Issam Darui, Lagare.ma

Lagare.ma is a website platform and mobile app that will let you easily compare prices, bus schedules and pickup and drop-off locations in Morocco and abroad in 10 languages and 25 different currencies. 
The platform makes available more than 66 bus companies to any traveler wishing to know better 7 international destinations and 150 Moroccan locations. 
It joined THE NEXT SOCIETY community in 2017 when it was selected online to participate in BigBooster International Startups Acceleration Program
In May 2018, Lagare.ma raised 2 million dirhams to expand in other African coutries and won the MSI AWARDS 2016, the Maroc Web Awards 2016 and the African Leadership Academy.

On 29 March 2019, Lagare.ma was selected as a finalist among the top 10 start-ups in the MENA region for the 12th edition of MIT Entreprise Forum Arab Startup Competition.


Website: www.lagare.ma
Country: Morocco
Sector(s): Travel, Transport
Team: 4
Contact: Issam Darui, Founder & CEO | lagarema@gmail.com| +212651306106

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