funded by the

Mazma Technologies

Retailers, wholesalers and supermarkets as distribution points of financial solutions.
Mazma Technologies services

Mazma Technologies is a subsidiary of HM Invest Partners, an investment company that supports projects in communication, multimedia, promotion and product distribution.
Mazma Technologies offers a platform which allows retailers, wholesalers and supermarkets to distribute a wide range of financial solutions to individuals in order to pay their bills, fines or transport tickets; recharge mobile phone or purpose mobile money or money transfer over a terminal, ECR or directly through their mobile phone.

Mazma Technologies joined THE NEXT SOCIETY community in 2018 when it was selected online to pitch their project during Get in the ring Morocco 2017 Start-up Competition to which the initiative partnered. 


Website: www.mazma.fr
Country: Morocco
Sector(s): Telecom, mobile money, e-distribution
Team: 3
Contact: Amine Hmaidouch, Founder | a.hmaidouch@mazma.fr +212522215818 | +212614977476

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