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TTO Booster Track workshop - Boosting the technology transfer dynamics in Egypt

Boosting the technology transfer dynamics in Egypt

This workshop is organised by Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) and GAFI, in partnership with ANIMA Investment Network, in the frame of the EU-funded initiative THE NEXT SOCIETY. It aims to mobilise a group of Egyptian Knowledge and Technology Transfer experts and Office managers interested to benefit from capacity building opportunities, supporting the creation and growth of technology transfer units in Egypt.

This workshop will include:

  • A presentation of THE NEXT SOCIETY ambitions regarding knowledge and technology transfer;
  • A restitution of a survey on Mediterranean TTO needs;
  • A presentation of the TTO status and challenges in Egypt followed by an interactive discussion with participants to explore solutions and recommendations for supporting these structures.

Venue : Technology innovation & entrepreneurship centre (TIEC)
Smart-Village, Building (B5), Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Giza

Download the programme