funded by the

Youth Hub

Dedicated entrepreneurship and design center for children aged 12 to 15

Youth Hub is an Entrepreneurial and Design Hub for kids aged between 12 and 15 years old where they offer the space as well as the tools to unleash youth creative potential and flourish their entrepreneurial and design skills while solving social problems in their communities.  

In Youth Hub, they have developed a different set of programs:

  • The 3-day program: Introduction of the participants to entrepreneurship and design thinking.
  • The 3-month program: Focus on developing and testing their projects in the real market. Here, the participants learn key concepts of the entrepreneurship world including Market research, customer discovery, financials and social impact.
  • The 6-month program: Immersion in the entrepreneurship world through field trips, dedicated workshops and a support system.


Country: Tunisia
Sector(s): Education          
Team: 2
Contact: Achref Mattar, Co-founder and Sales & Customer Relations Manager  | mattarachref@gmail.com | Tel : +216-21814785

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