funded by the


Bringing digital transformation into education because learning changes everything!
Omar Rayyan, Edubook

Edubook developed a web platform and mobile app based on an innovative approach to present Student Information and Learning Management systems in a unified and easy-to-use space.
Its solution will share reports between parents and educators which will allow them to get a better understanding of the whole student status (behavioural, social, emotional, cognitive, and health skills).    
The platform also offers a resource and quiz space where students can improve their skills anywhere, anytime!

Edubook joined THE NEXT SOCIETY Community in 2017 when it was selected to benefit from the Entrepreneurs Mentoring Programme.


Website: www.edubook.me
Country: Palestine
Sector(s): ICT, e-learning, edTech
Team: 4
Contact: Omar Rayyan, CTO | omar.rayyan@edubook.me |

Picto_facebook_bleu_TNS-PNGsmall.png @edubook.me  Picto-Linkedin_bleu_TNS-PNG_30x30.png  Edubook