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energy now and live

As the driving force of economic and industrial growth, the energy sector plays a key role to foster prosperity and social development. However, the increased reliance on carbon-spilling energy sources such as fossil fuels, which still constitute the principal source of energy production in most regions of the world, including the MENA region, strongly contributes to global warming and pollution.


As stated by the World Bank, approximately 28 million people in the MENA region still lack access to electricity, mainly in rural areas. Furthermore, it is likely to experience a doubling of their energy needs by 2040.


There is no doubt that the South med region was no exception to the negative repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on the conventional energy market such as the reduction in investments in this sector, the decline in fuel prices fossils and transformations in geopolitical dynamics. This implies that the existing energy infrastructures are no longer suitable and that a transition towards more renewable energy resources will need to take place sooner rather than later.


The stakes are crucial and the need to transform ecosystems is therefore extremely rapid in order to meet them. Faced with this urgency, ANIMA and FEMISE interviewed key players - decision-makers and inventors of solutions - to understand how the MENA region is tackling one of its greatest challenges - Download the agenda


During this 4th episode of webinar series "THE NEXT SOCIETY: NOW AND LIVE!" focusing on the energy sector and listen to :

  • National initiatives and new investments which have been taking place across the region to meet this increasing demand for energy while mitigating the impact on climate;
  • Young entrepreneurs who enter the energy market with innovative solutions for their start-ups.


Watch the replay #NOWANDLIVE Episode 4 on the Energy sector


This event was organised in the framework of ANIMA international webinar series. Have look to the upcoming #NOWANDLIVE here