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Development of industrial solutions and creation of Deep-Tech products

PilliotY is a company specialised in industrial solutions development and the creation of its own products (Deep-Tech) with a strong focus on electronics, mechatronics and digital technology.

A global industrial vision, a portfolio of technological bricks and a team of expert engineers, allow PilliotY to anchor its position as a technological partner of several renowned industrial groups.

With a strong multidisciplinary experience, PilliotY offers today an innovative development methodology based on agility and focused on a perfect understanding of the customer's needs in terms of time, cost and performance.

PilliotY accompanies its customers in all stages of the project management and product cycle from design to mass production, including R&D, validation tests, certification and integration. 

PilliotY has also created and developed for its own account new products now installed and referenced by its customers.

They joined THE NEXT SOCIETY during Investor Academy, Barcelona, in 2017.


Website: pillioty.io
Country: Morocco
Members: 13
Sector: Deep Tech
Contact: Hafid GRIGUER – griguer@pillioty.io  

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