funded by the

Selena AI

AI-powered office assistant, and HR solution

Selena is an AI-powered office assistant, and HR solution that works on tackling productivity tracking and improvement by providing an intuitive platform that serves both the employer and employees.

Selena helps the employer with an intuitive dashboard that has all the necessary tools to track the key metrics that matter most to him/her while also empowering his employees with full transparency on how they’re being monitored and evaluated.

That and the convenience of their tools make time tracking, payroll calculation, project performance tracking like a breeze.

They are providing their feature-set in an affordable easy-to-use mobile app and web platform geared towards start-ups and SMEs who need the convenience of a compact HR system without paying exorbitant amounts for it.


Website: www.selena-ai.com
Country: Egypt
Sector(s): Tech & Software
Team: 5
Contact: Mohamed EMERA, Co-Founder, mohamed.emera1@gmail.com - Tel: +201 274 579 284

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